Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Part 2 prologue – Core Anomaly or Dust in my eye?

Part 2 prologue – Core Anomaly or Dust in my eye?


In another part of the world in another field of scientific endeavour, geologists were puzzled about data taken from samples that they had dug up from the Earth.

Part of their jobs entailed taking core samples from mountains and glaciers and rocks and analysing this data that would tell the story of the Earth from thousands and thousands of years ago. Most of the data seemed to fit with what they were expecting but there were certain anomalies that they could quite figure out causing them to check and recheck the data.

Since they couldn’t really figure out the answer, they decided that what the data showed must in fact be true and they left it at that, compiled their data and entered into their computers which sent the data via the internet to universities and research institutes around the world to sit gathering virtual dust until someone wanted to use it.

What was this anomaly? Had they accidentally stumbled onto a historical event that had occurred on a global scale that was just so strange and unacceptable that they felt foolish mentioning it? What was this secret that the Earth had hidden for so long and was now revealing...only to be ignored until it was too late?

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