Sunday, September 21, 2008

ERA 911. When darkness spreads over the world.

When I saw the second plane hit the twin towers and then moments later a whole barrage of offensive garbage started spewing from the world media about Islamic terrorists, I knew that this was a new, dark, era in the history of humanity. The leaders of nations have a lot to answer for and it is obvious to MILLIONS of people around the world that the power hungry, greedy power brokers in these countries around the world organise and orchestrate these types of attacks to further their own strategies.

They no longer care if their own people fact the more that die the better a news story it makes and the higher the chances that their objective to spread further violence and intolerance amongst the masses will succeed.

The unfortunate truth is that ordinary people who are just spectators in all of this have become the silent majority and feel powerless to do anything about it whilst the few rich and powerful world players (of whatever creed) toy with the lives of billions. The CIA, Al-Qaeda, ISI, RAW, Mosad and all those agencies that carry out the commands of those in power are being played off one against the other with the result being the world as it is today. They are all funded from the same sources and supplied with intel and strategy from the same sources. They are armed with weapons from the same sources and are given objectives from the same sources. There IS NO Islamic terrorism ... only terrorism and the perpetrators of this terror are the greedy and vicious world leaders, power brokers, global corporations and their ilk who have sold their souls for power and money.

It is easy to find disillusioned and impressionable people in broken and war torn countries who can easily be brainwashed into fighting for a cause that THEY think is good if you supply the right resources and pressure. This is what is happening right now in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, many African countries and many other 3rd world countries. A breeding ground is being maintained so that a ready factory of suicide bombers and fanatics to a cause are available for the NEXT 9/11 or 7/7 or 9/21. There will be many more in this era.

Mark my words, these same greedy people will find that the monster that they have created will be the end of them since greed knows no bounds and it is only a matter of time before they themselves become each others targets.

It is unfortunate that in the meantime ordinary people are losing their lives and the terror that they are causing worldwide is grinding average Joe down to the level of a fearful, distrusting, xenophobic animal who is ready to blame anyone who is different from him for the problems that he faces in his daily life. This Joe, exists in every country in every part of the world, in every household and it is only by taming this xenophobic animal within all of us that we can spread the message of peace and love to those around us and thereby fight the effects of this terror. We, Americans, Europeans, Africans, Orientals, Asians - Christians, Muslims or otherwise, must understand that every people are subjected to trials that make them question themselves and that if they hold on to the best within themselves and show patience and understanding and kindness to their fellow human beings, it will strengthen their resolve and enable them to see the truth for what it really is and will cease to be misled.

My message to everyone is to show patience and kindness to ALL around you and to think before you say something that might offend and to not allow yourself to become an agent of terror in this war as we are all human and we all have the same weaknesses. Kindness begets kindness, tolerance begets tolerance...our children will learn from us...what is it that we are teaching them?

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